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Blog Posts

Greta Roberts talks Predictive Analytics ROI

Q: In your work with predictive analytics, what areas of the workforce are you focused on? (i.e., optimizing workforce productivity, using big data to solve workforce challenges, building a workforce analytics driven culture, etc.)? A: Our predictive work focuses on...

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Emotional Intelligence in Recruitment

Emotional Intelligence in Recruitment

By Jason Blaik Definition of EI The capacity to accurately measure an individual’s level of emotional intelligence has the potential to provide organisations with a significant competitive advantage. In its simplest form emotional intelligence has been defined as an...

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How to avoid hiring a Mini-Me

How to avoid hiring a Mini-Me

Recruitment By RACHEL NICKLESS - The Australian Financial Review Managers are inclined to hire people just like themselves: data can prove it – and help stop it happening where it is hurting the bottom line. So says Talent Analytics Corp chief executive Greta Roberts,...

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Sell Me This Pen

The real lessons from 'The Wolf of Wall Street' ARTICLE | MON, 05/26/2014 - 00:00 Charlie Brennan A recent blockbuster movie ended with this request: “Sell me this pen.” This seems to be an easy enough question to respond to. However, the answers can be far ranging...

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3 Ways for Better Follow Up in Sales

MAY 7, 2014 BY LORI RICHARDSON Recently we posted about a study that showed the power and necessity of follow up in building relationships with buyers who ultimately do business with you. A startling fact, presented over and over in b2b studies shows thatmost sales...

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OMG Earn Top Sales & Marketing Awards for 2011

OMG and founder/CEO Kurlan won two Golds and a Silver at the recent 2011 Top Sales & Marketing Awards event. As seen at http://www.prweb.com/releases/2012/1/prweb9091752.htm Westboro, MA (PRWEB) January 11, 2012 Objective Management Group, Inc. (OMG), the global...

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