JULY 21, 2013 BY  

 Here are ten questions to start your sales week with a rock solid plan.
  1. What live opportunities in your pipeline can you move forward this week?What actions will you need to take to move those opportunities forward? What commitments will you dream client need to make and what value do you have to create to gain that commitment?
  2. How much time are you going to spend prospecting for new opportunities this week? When are you going to do your prospecting work? What time are you going to block on your calendar for opportunity creation?
  3. Which of your dream clients need nurtured this week? What ideas are you going to feed your dream clients? How are they going to use those ideas? How does what you send them distinguish you as someone with valuable ideas?
  4. What commitments have you made in the past that need to be kept this week? Who do you owe a phone call? Who do you owe information? Who did you promise that you would take some action on their behalf? When are you going tokeep those commitments?
  5. Who do you need to thank? Do you have prospects who you need to mail a thank you card? Do you have clients who are long overdue for a show ofgratitude? Who on y our internal team, your personal, private, professional services firm do you owe lunch for delivering on all of the promises you make to your clients?
  6. Who are you going to help? Who needs your help? What are you going to do to help them? How are you going to pay forward what has been paid forward to you?
  7. What are you going to do to improve yourself? What are you going to read and study to improve your business acumen? What are you going to read to make you a well-rounded, well-read person? What are you going to do ensure you have the energy you need to generate the outcomes you need?
  8. What lessons have you learned over the past few weeks that you aren’t applying to your work? What ideas have you read or discussed but haven’t yetput into practice? What do you need to do turn that knowledge into results by taking action?
  9. What is the one outcome you need to achieve this week that will move you closer to reaching your biggest goal? Why is this goal so important to you? what is the price you will pay for not achieving this goal? What is the reward for reaching it? Have you blocked time to take the actions you need to get that outcome?
  10. Who do you have to be? Who do you have to be to achieve everything you want to achieve this week?