Did your phone smile at you and hug you this morning as it beeped you awake? It didn’t, OR – I certainly hope it didn’t!


mobile phone smiling

Did your phone smile at you and hug you this morning as it beeped you awake? It didn’t, OR – I certainly hope it didn’t!


2024 is almost here, and as we progress through each year, we have a growing reliance upon technology to interact with everything and everyone, and it is exactly the same in the recruitment world. We seem to be forgetting or getting used to technology being cold compared to the ultimate warm feeling we get from interacting with another person.

That human interaction in person (ok, let’s allow Teams, Zoom or other online direct meet video platforms, which are kind of face-to-face, right?) provides us with the most warmth. Instead of unemotively texting, emailing or even chatting on the phone, you get to see the other person’s reactions through the non-verbal communication you can perceive through meeting in person or through video calls to develop a real rapport, providing an amazing feeling.

human interaction

That human interaction in person (ok, let’s allow Teams, Zoom or other online direct meet video platforms, which are kind of face-to-face, right?) provides us with the most warmth. Instead of unemotively texting, emailing or even chatting on the phone, you get to see the other person’s reactions through the non-verbal communication you can perceive through meeting in person or through video calls to develop a real rapport, providing an amazing feeling.

This warmth feeds us, gives us the energy to keep going, and is a great reminder of what is truly important in our lives. We find out about people and engage with them instead of reading more bland words on a screen. Each party is able to develop an amazing rapport with the other as we strive for a win together.

No matter who you deal with, being personable and creating great relationships is vital to success for us to all achieve a successful outcome together. As award-winning recruiters here at ArcTree, we pride ourselves on focusing on long-term and positive relationships with both clients and candidates alike. We feel the best way to build these relationships is to have warm, face-to-face interactions.

In 2024, please do your best to remember this key thing. Technology is a tool – but a cold one at that! Please don’t rely on it for everything. Use it to help you create new interactions with others. You don’t feel awesome when your phone goes off, letting you know that a text or email came through. You WILL feel awesome meeting with another person and learning about them.

So when your cold phone rings and it’s Dan or one of the ArcTree team on the other end wanting to meet with you face-to-face, please take the plunge! I can guarantee you will feel great and finish your day feeling just that little bit warmer as we work on building success together. 

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Want to talk about how we can help you hire better people? We’d love to hear from you!

Email: enquiries@ArcTree.com.au | Phone: 1300 ArcTree – 1300 272 8733