Following some challenging situations over the last few months, including some searching parenting conversations with the kids, I felt I should put pen to paper!
There is only one you and the only thing you can control is how you behave, the decisions you make and the values you hold…seems easy to say but as we know, not easy to do!
When my kids are faced with a tough decision and ask what they should do, I advise them to do what is right for them and their values, and that the right decision is very rarely the easy one, which makes it a difficult sell!!
In recruitment we are to a degree already behind the curve, as we are not a readily trusted sector, so it is imperative that at every opportunity where the opportunity presents itself, you as the professional must make the right decisions to change this perception….which means that even if NOBODY would find out what you have done or the decision you have made, RIGHT or WRONG, it is right there and now that you need to stand fast and make the right choice.
Protect your personal brand, be values driven: It is the one aspect of business life you can control!
Don’t always look to make a quick dollar, that’s the easy part…. develop a relationship of trust that will last a sustained period with everybody you come into contact with…you will be surprised that when you give without looking to receive what actually comes back!
Maintain your integrity, you know when you are making a bad decision, so take a pause and think about how this will make you look, how people will think about you following the decision and how this feels to you intrinsically.
Be confident in your values, don’t allow others to make the decisions for you. Don’t be afraid to walk away from clients or others that are treating you badly or disrespecting you and your business.
If others are pulling you into negative situations and poor decisions where they don’t have to take accountability for the outcome, are they the people you want to surround yourself with?
Don’t talk badly of others…let others do that, rise above it and don’t get dragged into negative interactions. Just walk away and keep your values intact.
Don’t be afraid to take action against those that attempt to undermine or damage you…calmly stand your ground, advise them of your displeasure and what action you will take and then proceed accordingly.
If you hold your values close and nurture and protect them, in the long term you will also come out better off, and more importantly you will feel comfortable and content in yourself. You are maybe the only one that knows what it took to make the decision or even that the decision was made. And that is OK. It is YOUR brand and values!!!

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