Happy reading of the 2nd Chapter – Candidate Self Management. If you haven’t already read the 1st Chapter click this link

cover letter

Cover Letter

A lot of candidates do not take the time to generate a cover letter; A half to one page letter is all that is needed to take the opportunity to speak directly about the role you are applying for and highlight the specifics in your experience that align you to the role. Show your personality, your passion and take this opportunity to start to build the rapport with the recruiter.





As a standard process I will remind my candidates to wear suitable attire and ensure they are online in time (if a video interview) or are 10 minutes early for an interview in person. I also provide them with whom they will be interviewing with, their LinkedIn profiles, company website and position description for the role they are interviewing for.

Further to this I will provide them any additional tips and tricks for interviewing for that particular role or company, ie, what they look for in a person (outside of the technical ability) or what they may be like to interview with. From this point on the rest is up to you; Dress appropriately, ensure you are early, review the position description and LinkedIn profiles and learn the company and their values. When interviewing, introduce yourself, make eye contact and speak clearly…here’s a tip, the best way to practice this, is in the mirror.





Communication is key in any relationship, this includes the one with your recruiter or potential employer if dealing with them directly. There is nothing more frustrating for me as a recruiter than when representing a candidate, they “Ghost” you. If anything changes for you at any point, share this information with them. This could include:

– changing your mind about the role,
– accepting another offer, or
– are just no longer available for any other reason, just don’t leave your recruiter or potential employer in the dark.

I want to represent you as positively as I can but to do this I need to know what is going on with you. So please answer my calls, my texts, my emails even if it means telling me you are no longer available, I can work with this, I can manage your personal brand in a way that leaves the door open for future opportunities, if you “Ghost” me (or an Employer) I won’t be so keen to represent you again in the future – Show common courtesy.



The interview

Today is the day and I am going to wish you luck, but I know you will do fine because you are going in prepared, because I gave you the material to prep yourself and you did your research. Now you are going to step into that interview, you will make eye contact and answer questions in a thoughtful and professional manner, you will be detailed and specific to your experiences but you will also stay
on track and ensure you answer the question asked. Don’t forget, you can ask questions too, an interview is a two-way street and you need to ascertain if this role is right for you.

It still surprises me to this day when I hear a candidate was not prepared when they entered an interview, but I for one will provide my candidates with what I can to help them prepare as best they can for their interview; I want to see you interview at your very best so if you have concerns, or you have questions before your interview CALL ME and I will do my very best to help you in any I can to
best set you up for a successful interview.