Standing at this locked Gate, Gate 4, things are starting to get real as you are yet another step closer to landing your dream job at your dream company. Is this the time to rest on your laurels and ‘wing-it’ during this interview, or should you continue to build on the great foundation of work you put in to get you this far….?
Why would you let all your hard work preparing you for the previous gates go to waste? Of course, the only correct answer to the question is to continue putting in the hard work and building on the great foundations we outlined in the previous three (3) blogs on the subject!
Again, preparation is the name of the game! You have now become part of a very elite group of job seekers who have made it through to Gate 4. Don’t forget that your Resume was outstanding, your initial interviews with the recruiters were great, and you managed to shine with the hiring manager looking to recruit you. Gate 4, the second face-to-face interview, is about getting to know you at a deeper, more practical level. This is where the hiring manager gets a second opinion from a trusted person from within their organisation to confirm that they have made a good choice in picking you and that you are indeed the perfect candidate for the role. In order to be able to unlock and walk through this gate, Gate 4, you need to ensure that the second person also confirms the hiring manager’s opinion that you are the one for the vacancy.
So what will the client want to find out about you? Well, this interview is all about finding out how you may fit into the team, how you react under pressure, whether you have similar ethics to the rest of the team and essentially how you deal with the reality of the job at hand and its daily pressures.

ArcTree’s Five (5) crucial tips for preparing for this second face-to-face interview are as follows:
- Go back and re-read our guide to unlocking Gate 3, the first face-to-face interview! This is CRUCIAL.
- Be confident. You got this far on merit, remember.
- Be yourself, don’t suddenly become a different person from how you presented previously!
- Remember, this is still an interview. You are potentially still being watched from the moment you drive into the street, to the moment you drive out of it. Do NOT let your guard down, no matter how comfortable you feel in the environment or with the people you are speaking to!
- HAVE FUN. Although this is a nerve-wracking experience, you are likely to see and hear things about this company you would normally never get to see/hear about from the outside. This is a privilege. Treat it that way.
If you follow these simple steps, we are confident you will be able to unlock Gate 4 and pass-through this to arrive at Gate 5: Why you should take a medical test for a new job seriously (if applicable for your role)…

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